·       Hydration: Remember to stay hydrated. Drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces of pure, filtered water per day.

·       To decrease Clotting Risk: Do not lie in bed all day. Try to move around either in your bed or by walking around the house, so as to prevent blood clots. It is ok to take a baby aspirin, 81 mg 3 x per week while symptomatic with COVID and for one-two weeks after symptoms.

·       To Boost immune system: Since we know that 70-80% of the immune system lies in the GI tract it is no surprise that GI symptoms like GERD, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are common with COVID-19. Therefore, it is extremely important to take the supplement DGL at least 3 tabs per day; 2 probiotics daily, am and pm, and digestive enzymes with protein containing meals to aid the gut in the metabolism of foods and to help improve the immune system via the gut. *This may still not be enough to stop the GI symptoms, and more may be required. Please call me at 203-521-4733 if you are having uncontrolled GI symptoms and we will need to do a gut repair program.

·       For Cough: Try a cough medicine containing Dextromethorphan and Guaifenesin like Robitussin CF or similar. Sugar free cough drops containing menthol help with throat irritation. May also use Vicks rub on chest and cover with cotton shirt. Humidified air as needed.

·       For Fever: Tylenol- 500 mg up to 4 x per day max. Will also help with body aches.

·       Body Aches-CBD chews, Tylenol, Motrin, Vicks, CBD ointment- rub into affected area. Apply heating pad x 30 min.

·       Oxygen saturation: I recommend you monitor your oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter. These can be found on Amazon, or in any pharmacy like CVS, Target, Walgreens, etc. Average cost is $40.00. *Important note: If you find that your oxygen saturation dips below 92%, please call your doctor as soon as possible-please check same day!

·       Five major Lifestyle Factors For Mitigating COVID-19 Disease:

·       Nutrition: more plant-based diet improves the immune system. Eating fruits and vegetables, raw or cooked, aiming for nine to 13 servings per day is ideal. Aim for diversity and rotation of foods, which correlates with immune resilience. We create a more robust gut microbiome, when we're eating a varied diet. We also want to ensure adequate fiber. Eating fermented vegetables or other probiotic containing foods can also be good, because they provide prebiotics and probiotics, which will both foster a good, healthy, gastrointestinal lining and activity, right, moving from dysbiosis into a healthy microflora. Finally, reduce or avoid different agents that will increase inflammation or reduce the function of the immune system. These would include added sugars, salt, high salt, high saturated fat, and the absence of dietary fiber.

·       During COVID, anything healthy the patient is able to eat will aid in their recovery. Some common, easy to digest foods are soups, especially chicken vegetable, fruits and vegetables, water or water with a small amount of fruit juice added

(not recommended when not sick), diet ginger-ale, oatmeal with butter, peanut butter, or fruit, yogurt with fruit, jello, toast, eggs, rice with small amounts of protein etc.

·       Sleep: Good quality sleep of 7-8 hours or more. This is going to help to reduce inflammation, and to increase immune system function. All of those things are important to consider, because even one night of reduced sleep, can lead to changes in immune function.

·       Exercise: During COVID-19, it is better to rest, allowing for periods of mild activity throughout the day as tolerated. We try to move to prevent blood clots. A simple blood test called a D-Dimer will help determine if you are at risk for blood clots from COVID-19. This test can be done during your illness, or 2-4 weeks after a positive test.

·       Stress reduction: breathing, meditation, yoga, any activities that help the patient relax.

As it relates to the immune system, stress states can heighten inflammation, and we know that there can be dysregulated immune states. Chronic stress, and most people are under some level of low degree chronic stress, can over time compromise the immune system, make it less robust, and able to respond. And so in those cases, seeing increased risk of viral infections. And most recently there was a paper looking at higher cortisol levels, which would imply greater stress, and greater mortality from COVID-19.

·       Social factors and connection: COVID can make people socially isolated, so it is important to maintain connections with family and friends to be able to obtain help, like food and hydration, runs, medication pick-ups, Dr. calls, etc.

·       Re-testing: After symptoms of COVID have passed (this is extremely variable amongst individuals but 1-2 weeks is an average), re- test to be sure you are no longer positive. According to the CT Surveillance Response Team, if you test positive for COVID-19, you are usually considered “not contagious” after day 10. You may still test positive but are not considered “contagious” and you can come out of quarantine. I feel if you have been very sick, and for a long time, you should isolate for 14 days.

·       Some General Considerations: Remember to maintain good handwashing technique, wipe everything down am and pm with CLOROX wipes, and if possible, wear an N-95 mask while exposed to large groups of people ie grocery stores, malls, church, etc.

·       Supplement Recommendations: Please see the additional handout from IFM on Nutraceuticals for COVID-19 that I have attached. These supplements are key to building a robust immune system:

§  Zinc-30 mg daily. Helps prevent viral replication, viral attachment to the cell wall. Anti-viral properties against viruses.

§  Vitamin C- 1,000-2,000 mg daily. Major antioxidant to improve immunity.

§  Vitamin D- 5,000 IU daily. A “pro-hormone” important for every major tissue in the body, especially the heart, bones, immune system.

§  Quercetin: 1,000 mg orally, 2x daily-

§  N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)-600-900 mg, 2x daily. N-acetylcysteine promotes the production of glutathione, a potent antioxidant that supports immune function. It also reduces the severity of the flu.

§  Probiotics- 5 billion + One cap daily. Builds gut flora/microbiota which improves immune function.


*Remember to use basic precautions when sick. Covering a cough, good handwashing, increasing fluids, adequate rest, proper nutrition, immune boosting supplements, decreasing soda, processed foods and sugars, are always important for enhancing the immune system and preventing disease.

 Disclaimer: Remember this content is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace the guidance from your medical practitioner.

Happy New Year from Mary Gilbertson Wellness & Company. We wish you & your family a Healthy, Happy New Year! <3