In the modern world, our bodies are exposed to so many toxins, in food, water, and air. Toxins cause oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, which increases your risk of degenerative disease.

Seasonal cleanses offer a powerful opportunity to re-boot our health!

I offer annual workshops in January, April and October; and both 1:1 coaching and DIY online programs year-round.

You will:

  • Learn how to eliminate the foods that cause inflammation and accumulation of toxins.

  • Uncover hidden food sensitivities and/or allergens that may be making you sick, impairing your digestion, causing weight gain, or creating hormonal imbalances.

  • Explore how to minimize environmental toxin exposure and create a cleaner household for you and your family.

  • Receive 15 days of shopping lists, meal plans and recipes; education on nutrition, supplementation, and essential oils; cooking tips; breathing and stress management techniques; and group support in a private Facebook forum.

The benefits: Clearer skin, weight loss, decreased cravings for sugar and salt, decreased bloat and digestive issues, reduced dependence on sugar, potential uncovering of food allergies and/or sensitivities, delicious meals and recipes, and increased energy and vitality!