Are you ready to take your health to new heights?

With the proper knowledge and tools you CAN heal from illness or take your health from just surviving to thriving!

Holistic wellness is an all-encompassing approach to health which recognizes that our mental, physical, and spiritual health are deeply intertwined and influence one another. Holistic wellness encourages self-awareness and self-care, promoting a proactive attitude towards health.

By providing your body with the proper nutrients and self care practices, you can achieve a state of balance and harmony, leading to optimal well-being.

Everyone has the ability to be healthy. You just need the tools and someone who is willing to work with you to help you achieve your optimal potential. But you must believe your health is worth the commitment.

Are you worth it?

Then let’s go! Let your healing journey start now. Because YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Things we help you treat: environmental toxins & chemicals, inflammation, autoimmune, detoxification (many protocols), gut health, thyroid optimization, cardiac risk prevention, blood sugar imbalances, weight loss, nutritional services, functional lab testing & lifestyle protocols. We do not treat: Urgent care, pregnancy, OB-GYN issues, mental health. Coming Summer 2024: cancer care, hormone balancing & peptides.

Our Services

Weight Loss

We develop a unique plan for every patient that utilizes Functional/Integrative medicine aide in weight loss


Our detoxification protocols include: Liver cleanse, gallbladder flushes, kidney cleanse.

Gut Health

This program improves conditions such as IBS, candida, parasitic infections, food allergies and sensitivities, gluten disorders and celiac disease


Cardiometabolic Health

Cardiometabolic health is measured by a person’s blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides, weight and heart disease risk.

We treat conditions like insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, diabetes, PCOS, Fatty liver, and cardiac risk factors like high blood pressure, high lipids, and high cholesterol.

Nutrition & Lifestyle

Many disease start from poor gut health, poor nutrition, and poor lifestyle. We look at food as medicine! We also use supplements and herbal therapies to treat many illnesses. *We will use medications where appropriate.

Toxicity is an important biomarker of inflammation and illness. Therefore we advocate often for heavy metals and toxin testing, as well as use of detoxification protocols for optimal healing.

Teens-Healthy Weight & Lifestyle

I offer this life-changing program for both individuals and groups, to provide teens with invaluable knowledge about food and lifestyle basics.

A new component for teens is the addition of environmental medicine and how toxicity affects health. EMF’s, contaminated drinking water, foods containing GMO’s, pesticides, and chemicals, and endocrine disruptors that affect a teens growth and health are discussed.

Meet Mary Gilbertson MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, MS Nutrition

Mary enjoys working with teens through adults to attain optimal health using lifestyle techniques and educating on the use of foods to heal (Food as Medicine). A lifelong student of health and healing modalities around the world, Mary has spent years researching & practicing many medicinal therapies including natural medicine, herbals, breathwork, and energy medicine, to aid the body in healing itself as naturally as possible.

*See Mary’s Bio by clicking on the button below.



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